Core MySQL Professional

Core MySQL Going Open

While Core PHP was my first book and the one that most people know, I also wrote a book in 2001 on MySQL called Core MySQL. It didn’t sell very well, probably because Paul Dubois already had a good book on the market about MySQL. Core PHP owed a good portion of its success to being first (well, Egon Schmidt’s book in German came out a couple weeks before mine, but the English-reading market is a lot bigger.)

Still, I am proud of Core MySQL because I had a better handle on the principles of organizing a book after doing two editions of Core PHP by that time. And I had to think through more things for that book because MySQL is more than just the SQL language. I liked learning relational database theory deeper than I did when I was in college and then figuring out how to explain it.

My contracts with Prentice Hall include a clause that returns the rights to the text to me if they cease publishing them. It’s taken a year for them to work through the process. Recently I got a letter confirmed that the rights are now returned to me. That will allow me to release the text under some sort of open license. Hopefully my spin on thing will help someone learn MySQL and relational databases.

Stay tuned for details and send me suggestions for licenses. I haven’t researched the options yet.


The Next President Should Fix the TSA

USA Today reported that the TSA is now tied with the IRS as most disliked government agency. Since all of these annoying patdowns and shoe x-rays don’t seem to be worth anything at all, an enterprising presidential candidate should take up its abolishment as part of their platform. Other than all those useless agents who will have to be let go, the only people who might protest are comedians.

Martinez News

Holy Night 2007

In Martinez, the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving is called “holy night”, at least by people of my generation (class of 1988). It started with kids being home from school for the holiday. We’d all meet at College Lane in downtown Martinez. Several years ago we moved the party to Joe Tully’s house. This year he’s holding the party at Ferry Street Station. This is not a private party at all, and everyone is welcome to join us. Following is the announcement he sent out.

Now then, it is with well-noted regard that the citizens who reside in the Center of the Universe, Martinez, California, and those who reside in Martinez by proxy, come together on a night most worthy of such reverence to celebrate such benevolent oneness with the cosmos. The Night Before Thanksgiving is this night of merriment and jubilant excitation.

Let it now therefore be declared that there shall be a party on the planet, in the center of the universe, Martinez, California, commencing at the time of nine (9) Post Meridian or as soon as possible thereafter. New to this year, the location of the celebratory gathering shall be at none other than Ferry Street Station located in downtown Martinez. The purpose behind this specified locality shall be none other than to bear witness to the musical accompaniment and harmonious emanations of the fREEX!

Will there be a cover? No! Such monetary trifling would be unworthy on such a night. Will there be present a tremendous amount of libations? Yes! For this, it would seem, would be a necessary celebratory staple.

Therefore, all who have great love in their hearts for Martinez may come down to celebrate the Holy Night in downtown Martinez and bear auditory witness to the fREEX as well as other musical acts commencing at the hour of 9 Post Meridian!

Be It Resolved!!!

If you’re nearby, please come join us.


New Car…Finally!

One of the things that makes me a great technologist can make me terrible at buying things for myself. I tend to want perfection, which is easy to achieve in code and impossible to attain in real life. My friends and family know that I’ve been talking about a new car for at least a year, probably two. I vacillated over a Mustang, a used Camaro, an RX-7, and a bunch of other cars. Could I get away with a two-seater? Silver MustangShould I get a truck to be really practical? I finally convinced myself that a Mustang would be the best car for me. It’s fun and fast, plus I could squeeze the whole family in there if I had to.

This was part one, because the next torture I put myself through was finding the one, true car with the options I wanted. As is typical for me, I wanted an unusual combination of options. I didn’t want a spoiler because I found that area under the spoiler on my old car was always dirty and impossible to clean. The V6 version of the Mustang has no spoiler by default. Almost all the V8’s have them. And it had to be a stick. And I wanted orange. The car I wanted does not exist.

I know this because I had a guy at search for me. He came close a few times and he would always find a car with a ton of extra options that I didn’t want to pay for. $1700 navigation system? No thanks. I have a $300 Garmin that sticks to the windshield that’s fine for the rare times I’d ever need it. I think I wore that guy out because he just stopped replying to me. The best use of is for giving you an idea of the real market value of the car is.

Based on advice from my buddy David, last night I decided to try asking for an “Internet quote” from the Ford site. I thought I saw a car that I’d want by checking their inventory. I got a call in the morning from one of the salespeople at Micheal Stead in Walnut Creek dedicated to responding to these requests. We figured out that the car listed on the Ford site was really a Shelby, and therefor a lot more expensive. But she searched inventory from all the dealers in California and eventually found a car that worked for me. It’s in Marin, so I have to wait until Tuesday to get it.

So, it was cool that it all got wrapped up in a few hours work. The Ford salesperson found me a car in no time, compared to the failure of the guy. And I feel like I got a good deal because she offered a price that was lower than the price the site told me a car with those options would be. I’m sure there’s differences in quality between the different brands, but I’d recommend using Ford’s site for anyone looking to buy a Ford.

As we were sitting around, waiting for the finance guy to do the paperwork, we figured out that not only do we both live in Martinez, but she’s good friends with April, my neighbor and wife of my good friend Jeff. It was good to do business with a Martisian even if I had to go to Walnut Creek.


First Church of the Warming Globe Announces Revelation: It’s not the Heat, It’s the Humidity

Seth Borenstein of the Associated Press wrote an article on a study claiming that humans are causing global rises in humidity. The Fark headline for this was “Nonexistent global warming is causing a mythical rise in theoretical humidity levels in imaginary parts of the world“. Beautiful.

To show that this is man-made, Gillett [one of the authors] ran computer models to simulate past climate conditions and studied what would happen to humidity if there were no man-made greenhouse gases. It didn’t match reality.

These guys start with the conclusion that humans are causing catastrophic change, set up the variables to support it and these simulations. It’s an interesting trick because on the surface it’s nothing the unsuspecting person with a health respect for science would question. Yet, the idea of “man-made greenhouse gases” seems to smuggle in the whole idea of global warming in the first place.

The article goes on to claim that that humans are negatively affecting 10 separate aspects of the environment.

Climate scientists have now seen the man-made fingerprint of global warming on 10 different aspects of Earth’s environment: surface temperatures, humidity, water vapor over the oceans, barometric pressure, total precipitation, wildfires, change in species of plants in animals, water run-off, temperatures in the upper atmosphere, and heat content in the world’s oceans.

Regretfully, they have omitted one other factor, proven by a much more solid theory. In his Open Letter to the Kansas School Board, Bobby Henderson clearly shows how global warming is most certainly caused by the dramatic drop in pirate populations. Even if your faith isn’t strong, how can you argue with such a precise chart?