
Webasyst Framework

This new framework might be a welcome relief from Expression Engine and Silver Stripe for those clients who are unwilling to use WordPress or Drupal (the #1 and #2 PHP CMSs).

Webasyst Framework

PHP framework for developing sleek multi-user web apps and complex websites. LGPL.


Linus Torvalds would rather code than make money

A good interview with Linus.

Why Linus Torvalds would rather code than make money | News | TechRadar

You probably use Linux and don’t even know it. We meet the man who started it all.

News Programming

Run Flash with JavaScript library Shumway

Mozilla released an experimental project, a SWF runtime implemented in JavaScript. Try out the racing game demo. Flash has taken some hits. Apple won’t support it on iOS. It’s not in Android 4. And Chrome provides its own runtime to replace the buggy version offered by Adobe. Shumway works well in Chrome but not IE9. Still, the actual use cases for this might be rare. If it’s something worthwhile, you probably will want to remake it in HTML5 anyway. Maybe if you had some SWF content and none of the source files, it could get you by for a short time.

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Vendor-independent comparison of NoSQL databases

So often, we return to using the right tool for the job, but it’s good to see that MySQL is still quite useful for the general case. The corollary is that it’s rare to find a magic bullet–so don’t expect a wholesale switch to NoSQL to solve your performance issues.

A vendor-independent comparison of NoSQL databases: Cassandra, HBase, MongoDB, Riak

In 2010, when the world became enchanted by the capabilities of cloud systems and new databases designed to serve them, a group of researchers from Yahoo decided to look into NoSQL. They developed the YCSB framework to assess the performance of new tools and find the best cases for their use. The results were published in the paper, “Benchmarking Cloud Serving Systems with YCSB.”

The Yahoo guys did a great job, but like any paper, it could not include everything:

  • The research did not provide all the information we needed for our own analysis.
  • Though Cassandra, HBase, Yahoo’s PNUTS, and a simple sharded MySQL implementation were analyzed, some of the databases we often work with were not covered.
  • Yahoo used high-performance hardware, while it would be more useful for most companies to see how these databases perform on average hardware.
News Programming

Have a PHP question? Have 20-30 minutes? Ask Stack Overflow.

It looks like if you don’t ask a really hard question about PHP or Javascript, you will will get an answer almost immediately.

How long waiting for an answer in StackOverflow – Interrupted

I think it’s amazing the speed an answer is given for any asked question, like freaking fast. If you are using Google Reader to peek new questions filtered by tag, when you see a question, almost for sure it’s already answered.

Fortunately all StackExchange data is open, so we can see exactly how fast is that. I used the online data browser, more than enough for the task.

I decided to consider only the questions having an accepted answer, since questions with many bogus answers should not be treated as having an answer at all.

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