Entertainment Philosophy

Why the paleo lifestyle is incompatible with religion

If god created people to eat berries and meat, it seems unlikely that he’d then tell people to eat bread. Of course, the bible has god telling his followers to eat shit.


Dead Milkmen post three new tracks

I have seen many punk acts from my youth live in recent years. The Dead Milkmen were outstanding when I saw them earlier this year. Also, don’t trust the happy; the happy are insane.

Dead Milkmen post three new tracks

The Dead Milkmen have recently posted three new tracks on Soundcloud. Click the song titles below to have a listen.

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Entertainment News

12-year-old uses Dungeons and Dragons to help scientist dad with his research

Only mentioning this because D&D is cool.

12-year-old uses Dungeons and Dragons to help scientist dad with his research | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

Alan Kingstone, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia, had a problem: all humans have their eyes in the middle of their faces, and there’s nothing that Kingstone could do about it. His 12-year-old son, Julian Levy, had the solution: monsters. While some monsters are basically humanoid in shape, others have eyes on their hands, tails, tentacles and other unnatural body parts. Perfect. Kingstone would use monsters. And Julian would get his first publication in a journal from the Royal Society, one of the world’s most august scientific institutions.

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Entertainment News

Valve Offers Beta Steam For Linux

I filled out the survey and hope to give it a spin. It will be really interesting to see if Steam on Linux can take hold.

Valve Linux Steam Client Beta Application

We’re looking for Linux gamers to install and test our new Steam for Linux client. We are primarily interested in experienced Linux users.

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Born Standing Up by Steve Martin is Great

Born Standing Up by Steve MartinI have always been a fan of Steve Martin, even when I was a kid. Maybe it was because he became such a sensation just as I was becoming aware of pop culture. His sense of humor resonates with me. All comedy relies on identifying things that are “wrong” in surprising ways, but unlike the type of comedy that identifies the wrongs of society, Martin tends to stick to fundamentals. His style is to present material that’s wrong on simple logical terms.

I received a copy of Born Standing Up: A Comic’s Life as a Christmas present and read it straight through that day. As is typical of Martin’s writing style, it is light and approachable. It isn’t heavy on details, but instead has an introspective style. I can imagine the same subject covered by a fan would detail every appearance, every album, every movie. I’ve read several books in that style that were interesting but left out the emotions and motivations. I appreciated how Martin discusses his struggle with panic attacks and his strained relationship with his father.

One detail that stood out for me is Martin’s love of the Somerset Maugham novel The Razor’s Edge. I really enjoyed that novel when I discovered it in college. I even like Bill Murray’s movie version. So, his mention of it made another point of validation for my admiration of Martin’s work.