
Santorum considers happiness overrated

This outrageous rhetoric is what you’d expect from a monk from the 14th century or over a loudspeaker while waiting hours for bread in Soviet Russia. Did God grant us the right to be happy? No. God does not exist. Rights don’t exist. Reality exists, and if it’s not obvious to you that a human being requires freedom to live as a human being, you are mentally ill.

There is nothing more significant to pursue but your own happiness. If you consider the pursuit of happiness to be overrated or somehow not a highest value, I can only conclude you wish to enslave me.

Rick Santorum slams ‘pursuit of happiness’ – Patrick Gavin –

For those who might think Rick Santorum is a bit old-fashioned, they need look no further than his new book, “American Patriots.” The book goes back — way back — to recall the glory days of the Revolutionary War. “There are so many Revolutionary heroes and heroines from all walks of life,” writes Santorum, who seems…