
Required Reboots From Windows Updates Are Annoying

I have this Windows XP box from Falcon Northwest at home.  I run an Ubuntu box at work.  I probably get 10 times as many updates on the Ubuntu box.  Every update from Microsoft requires a reboot.  Maybe 1 out of 10 updates from Ubuntu requires an update, usually only if there’s a new kernel.  Today’s update from MS was about MSI.  The installer system requires a patch to the kernel?  WTF?  This is one of the reasons that I will probably never buy a Windows machine again.

One reply on “Required Reboots From Windows Updates Are Annoying”

Well i know its quite annoying but u can do the following to stop that nagging restart dialog box.

Go to command prompt and enter the following.

sc stop wuauserv

This won’t make them change the away they deliver updates but a kind of hack for us.

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